Monday 8 February 2016

Everything In Life Is Learnt

Everybody learns every day. You do and I do, no matter how small. What you learn daily shapes your life, your career, your marriage, your actions, your behaviors and even your environment. What you learn invariably affects every facet of your life.

Everything you do in this life is a product of knowledge, what you have learnt over time. The knowledge you apply in your daily endeavors brings the results you envision and that is what shapes your life. The level you are right now is a product of the knowledge you’ve acquired over time, from the moment of your birth to your present age.

Babies learn to smile, to crawl, to walk, to talk, to eat by themselves, to express themselves, etc right from their birth and they keep learning till they grow into adults and have to keep learning to live life.

Doctors learn to save lives, farmers learn to plant crops to feed the populace, writers learn to weave their words together in a way that is appealing to their readers, mechanics learn to repair cars; every vocation in this life has to be learnt, no matter how small or ‘simple’.

Let’s think about this simple analogy: to enjoy a game of football, you need to learn what the play by play means. If a player on the field passes the ball to the opponent team, you need to learn how it will affect the game, when a player falls down or is injured by another player, you learn what it means and how action will determine the outcome. Every single move or act is learnt just to enjoy a simple game of football.

Now, let’s take it up another notch and examine the profession of a doctor. For a doctor to save lives, they have to learn how a life can be taken, they have to learn how to cut to heal, they have to learn how to examine the body to proffer a solution to a disease, they have to learn every minuscule part of the body so as to know how it functions.

In our everyday lives too, we learn to care for our family in order to have a peaceful home, you learn how to change a tire when it needs to be done so your car can be useful, you learn to cook so as to eat and keep healthy thereby staying alive, you learn to talk to customers and clients and you learn how to ply your trade to bring utmost profitability.

To learn, you have to be observant, open your eyes to opportunities, open your minds to new horizons, think deeply, ask questions, use all your senses, research your answers and always generate and deploy value.

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